Industrial boilers exist to keep factories warm in very cold regions and to keep certain chemicals and materials from becoming unusable. When you notice that your industrial boiler has some problems and needs to be repaired, you should not ignore these problems, no matter how trivial they might seem. Here are some major issues that develop from minor boiler problems, and why you should not ignore your boiler's repair needs.

Fuel Mixing and Improper Purging

When your boiler is clearly mixing its fuel types and there is no proper purging of oil or gas, you are setting the stage for a major explosion. The first thing the boiler repair technician needs to do in this case is purge all of the fuels properly and then flush the boiler so that the fuel mixing stops. Then the technician will restart the flow of fuel(s) and then restart the furnace. When the oil line is blocked, then these steps will eliminate these problems and get your boiler safely back on track.

Hot Water Rising into the Steam Drum and Causing Elevated Temperatures

Even though hot water rising into the steam drum may look like something harmless right now, your industrial boiler cannot stand this constant push beyond its safety limits. Elevated temperatures in the boiler can cause it to overheat and explode, sending scalding hot steam and sprays of boiling hot water everywhere. If that is not motivating enough to get repairs completed quickly, consider this--a downed boiler means that dozens of other tanks and machines in your factory are in danger of becoming too cold to function.


Overfiring is the result of a trip circuit that thinks there is not enough heat to do what you are asking the boiler to do. Constant firing or rapid firing causes the boiler's ignition switch and trip circuit to give out. You do not want that to happen any more than you want your boiler to keep overfiring because the repairs and replacement parts can be quite costly, depending on the damage that results. If you hear your industrial boiler constantly tripping and heating, do not ignore this as "normal" behavior for a boiler, even if the temperatures outside the factory are below zero. (This problem will, undoubtedly, be more noticeable when the temperatures outside are in the eighties, nineties and above because you would not expect your boiler to be overfiring in temperatures that hot.) Get it looked at right away, such as by Schweitzer Roger & Sons, so that the only costs you have to worry about are replacement parts (when applicable) and the repair technician's fees.
